From Makenzee's blog...

Youth Conference was so fun and I am so glad I got the opportunity to do it!!! It was a great experience and the spirit was so strong.We walked 11 miles plus a little more.We walked down Provo Canyon to the Provo Temple. There was a Pioneer named John Moyle that live in Alpine and he walked to the Salt Lake Temple once a week to help build it. He is the man that carved Holiness To The Lord on it.While we were walking down the canyon there were people walking down and so I moved out of the way and a biker almost hit me. I think that if the spirit wasn't with me I would have gotten hit. It was really scary and my adrenalin was moving pretty quick. It was really cold walking and I was wondering if it would ever get warmer. It seemed like forever until we finally got to eat breakfast. After breakfast it finally got warm. At last we arrived at the temple after a long walk! We played lots of games. My favorite game was poison stump. You get in a circle and we all held hands and whoever touched "The Stump" was out. Bishop Sanders called us all over and he said we were all going to go inside the gates to the temple. We all sat there and Bishop Sanders was telling us about the temple and all the blessings it can bring us.Afterward we all went to the park for lunch and then we ice blocked and played volleyball. I was the champion, the queen of ice blocking! I'm also the one who did it the very most. My Dad said that I was so nice and easy going and he said he noticed people migrated toward me and wanted to hang out with me. That made me feel good. Youth Conference was so fun and I can't wait to go again next year!
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