Kam: Sure! Once upon a time when I was a little girl I loved, loooved, loooooooved to color! One day I was coloring a beautiful picture on...
Bryn: Wait Kam! Was I there?
Kam: No Bryn, you were a baby!
Bryn: Oh. How old was I?
Kam: A baby.
Bryn: Oh. How old were you?
Kam: I was 6. (She's only 5). Then I was coloring a beautiful picture and...
Bryn: Wait Kam! How old was Mom?
Kam: She was 85! Then I was coloring a beautiful picture on sticky paper and...
Bryn: What's sticky paper?
Bryn: Kam, I hate you!
Kam: MOM!!! Bryn said the "H word". You know, the one that says, hhhhhhhhh!
Bryn: No I didn't, Kam's lying!
Kam: No Bryn, you're lying and I'm never coloring with you again!
Then the out of control crying/screaming began and we were off to church!
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