Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jonah The Hotdog

Jonah celebrated his first Halloween as a hotdog.
He loved riding around in the stroller watching all of the kids while we were trick or treating. That is, until it started to rain on us!
He spent the rest of the evening riding around in the van watching Toy Story.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kambree The Cinderella Princess

Kambree could not make up her mind on what she wanted to be for Halloween this year. For the longest time she wanted to be an alien. Then she wanted to be a robot, Hannah Montana, a witch, a ballerina, iCarly and a cheerleader. She decided on a cheerleader and wore her costume to dance and preschool. When we went to Makenzee's school parade, she saw all of the beautiful Princesses and changed her mind again. She said, "I decided I don't want to be a cheerleader anymore, cuz I'm sick of being a cheerleader! I want to be a Princess!"

Friday, October 29, 2010

Makenzee The Rodeo Queen

Makenzee was a Rodeo Queen for Halloween this year and sadly it was her last Halloween parade at school! She wanted to go trick or treating with a group of friends this year and I was a little reluctant to let her go without an adult, but she proved to be very responsible, came home on time and had a great time making memories with her friends!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Brynlee The Witch

For Halloween Brynlee wanted to be Dora The Explorer and she wore her costume to dance class. However, I knew it was going to be cold trick or treating so I bought her orange leggings and a pink turtleneck to wear under her costume to keep her warm. She absolutely wouldn't have it! She cried and cried and said, "Dis not how Dora wear it, did not how Dora wear it!" We decided to change costumes at the last minute and she went trick or treating as the cutest little witch! She liked trick or treating for about an hour, but then she wanted to ride in the van, eat her candy and watch Cinderella!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Learning To Talk

Jonah can now say his two most favorite things in the world, Mama and ba-ba! It's so cute! When he's hungry, he'll stop whatever he is doing, look at whoever is in the room and repeatedly say, "ba-ba, ba-ba, ba-ba!" Once he spots his ba-ba, he turns both of his ankles in continuous circles and squeezes his fists together repeatedly as he begins to cry in a panicked voice "ba-ba, ba-ba, ba-ba!" He can't get his beloved bottle fast enough!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Candice!

My First Heart Break

Makenzee is heart broken! Brit, the boy she has had a crush on since 5th grade, is moving! Sadly, he's moving to another city, so they won't even meet up in Jr. High or High School! Poor Kenzee! She is so sad today!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Daddy's Girl

I was putting laundry away and Brynlee picked up her underwear and said, "I love my Dora de Explorer panties. They the best!" I said, "They're the best?" She laughed and said, "No! I love my Daddy! He's the best!"

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Kambree drew all over our school desks with a black dry erase marker, so I grounded her from all of her crayons, pencils and markers. The next morning I couldn't find her. I called out her name over and over and over but she never responded. I finally found her upstairs in my bathtub! I asked her what she was doing and she said, "Well Mom! I miss my crayons really bad and I didn't think you would find me in here!"

Friday, October 22, 2010

Jonah Finally Crawls

Jonah has been trying to crawl for the past month but he can never get his leg out from under him to get moving.
Tonight Aunt Sage was sitting on the floor with a glass of water and he was determined to get it. He managed to get on all fours and start moving...backwards! He finally figured it out and crawled to the glass of water, only to have it taken away from him! Now that he has the hang of it, he's crawling all over the house!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Makenee Loves To Visit The Witches

Makenzee looks forward to visiting the witches and getting our traditional carmel apple and hot chocolate. This year she wanted to add shopping to the festivities. She's definitely growing up! This was her when she was two years old. She wasn't afraid of the witches, she was afraid of herself!This is Makenzee today!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kambree Finally Likes The Witches

We have reached a milestone!
We went to visit the witches and Kambree was not afraid! She didn't shed a single tear and she wasn't afraid to touch them. In fact, she willingly stood by them so we could take a few pictures! This was Kambree during her 2nd visit to see the witches! She cried almost the entire time and wouldn't go near a witch!This is Kambree today!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Brynlee Loves The Witches

We made our annual trip to see the witches.
This is seriously one of our all time favorite family traditions!
This is Brynlee on her 1st trip to see the witches.This is Brynlee today!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Jonah Meets the Witches

Jonah went on his first trip to meet the witches at Gardner Village! He had so much fun and didn't shed a tear!
He was fascinated by the moving witches but what he loved most, were the pumpkins! He couldn't get enough of them! He wanted to play with them, eat them and climb on them!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Garbage Disposal

Jonah loves food! If I let him, he would eat all day long! His favorite snack is Little Graduate Puffs. They're almost like a Cheerio, only they dissolve in his mouth when they get wet. If he spots one on the floor, he'll stretch, scoot or roll until he gets it! Today he found a stash under some of his toys and he couldn't get them into his mouth fast enough. He was grabbing with both fists and shoving them into his mouth before anyone could take them away from him!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Play With Tools

A couple of weeks ago, the girls helped me build a bench. When I was cleaning up the kitchen this morning, Brynlee said, "Mom, can we play in the garage today?" I said, "In the garage? Why do you want to play in the garage?" She said, "Cuz I want to play with the hammer!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sorry You're Too Little

We were eating breakfast and Kambree said, "Mom, will you buy me an iPod for Christmas, cuz I want one really bad?" I asked her what an iPod was and she said, "You know, that little thing you put in your ears and it plays music!"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Grizzly Greeter

Makenzee walked in the door jumping up and down and doing cartwheels because she was chosen my her teacher and classmates to be a Grizzly Greeter! It's a big deal at school and only the best of the best are chosen, according to her teacher. She was given a special Grizzly Greeter hat that she gets to keep and she will be on duty for 8 weeks, but can substitute if needed for the rest of the school year. She has to go to school early and is given different assignments each day. Basically she greets each student with a cheerful and friendly, "Good Morning! Have a great day!" as they enter the school grounds from the buses, the crosswalk or the parking lot. She patrols the playground through all three recesses watching for bullies, injuries or isolated children who don't have a friend. She gets to participate in the school assembly each week and is expected to stay on the honor roll, never have a missing or late homework assignment and to always conduct herself in a pleasing way to others. It is her responsibility to be a good example to all students and if she breaks any of the rules she will be dismissed from her duties and her hat will be taken away from her. She has to go through a week of training before her duties begin and she is so excited and eager to get started!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Discovering New Foods

I gave Jonah a baby biter cookie and he loved it! I couldn't believe how fast he gobbled it up! In fact, I searched his high chair thinking he dropped it, but he didn't. I still can't believe how messy one little cookie can be, but one thing is certain...Jonah enjoys his food!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Good Health

Brynlee wanted to buy Grandpa Kley a soda for his birthday and Kambree said, "No, Bryn, we can't buy him a soda or he'll die! We have to buy him milk." Brynlee shook her head side to side and said, "Oh, duh!

Monday, October 11, 2010

I Got It

Kambree was helping me build a bench and I had her hold the wood while I nailed it together. Brynlee wanted to help and Kambree said, "No Bryn, I'm the holder cuz I'm stronger than you!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How Could You

Lately Makenzee has been struggling to complete her chores. She'll clean her room, but hide everything in her closet. She'll empty garbage cans but forget to put them away. She'll clean out the car but forget to do the back. Finally tonight Burt told her that if she cannot complete her jobs the way she is expected to, then she will miss the upcoming horse riding lesson. OH...MY...DRAMA!!! She was hysterical, poor girl ran to her room and cried and cried and cried! Finally, she walked into our room and between gasps and tears said, "I can't help it if I was born with the horse gene! If you take that from me, I will be miserable! Do you really want to do that to me? Do you really want to see me suffer?"
I'm not sure what was louder, Makenzee's uncontrolable sobbing or Burt's uncontrolable laughter!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Another First Milestone For Jonah

I put Jonah on the floor so I could get Kambree and Brynlee dressed and ready for the day. When I turned around, he had pulled himself up to the dollhouse. I guess he wanted to check it out for himself! He stayed that way for 20 minutes playing with all the little furniture!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Just Lookin Out For Ya

Kambree said, "Mom, I have a great idea. I should practice wiping my own bum so you can keep doing your stuff. Cuz if I have to go potty and I say Mom, come wipe my bum, you might forget what you're doing. So I know, I'll go potty right now and wipe my bum and you can just sweep the floor and then you won't forget you're sweeping the floor. Is that a great idea Mom?"
Hmmm, I wonder if she went pee in her pants and she doesn't want me to find out?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Brynlee was reading a book to her dolls and I gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, "Oh Brynee, you are so cute!" She looked at me and said, "No, I not, I ug-u-ly!"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Change Of Heart

"Mom, I changed my mind, I like Justin Bieber now! He is soooo cute! Can you buy me his CD?" I asked her why the change of heart and she said, "All the 6th grade girls like Justin Bieber, I just didn't know it!"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jonah Is Nine Months Old

Jonah is nine months old and almost crawling. Every time I set him on the floor he instantly goes to his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. He can move his hands forward but he can't quite figure out his knees and falls onto his tummy. Once he is on his tummy, he rolls everywhere! He is a boy on the move and he no longer wants to sit still! He loves to make noise and hit his toys together. He talks baby jabber constantly and when he wakes up, he'll lay in his crib for 20 minutes talking and laughing to himself. He loves to be held because it gives him such a great view of all the action going on in the house. He is a major Mama's boy and I'm hoping he doesn't outgrow it! He weighs 19.3 pounds and is in the 27th percentile for weight and is 28 inches long and is in the 37th percentile for height. His head is 18.2 inches, which puts him in the big head category at 77 percent! Jonah is the sweetest, cuddliest, most tender hearted, loving little baby boy. He is gentle and soft and he always puts his hands on my cheeks and gives me kisses! When I hold him, he pats my back and he loves to play peek-a-boo. He moves his face in front of mine and smiles at me, then quickly lays his head on my shoulder as if he's hiding and then he'll put his face in front of mine again and smile. By the time his peek-a-boo game is over, he is laughing so hard! He is such a fun little guy to play with! I love watching his personality develop, but I'm sad he is growing up so fast! He definitely owns his Mama's heart!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Because I'm Royalty

Kambree finished eating a piece of cake and wanted to be excused. I asked her to put her plate in the sink and then she could play. She stared at her plate for about 20 seconds and then said, "Mommy, Princesses always leave their plates on the table for the servants to clean up. So I'm just gonna leave my plate on the table and the servant can put it in the sink!"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Teacher Teacher

Makenzee taught Jonah how to crinkle his nose, pucker his lips to reveal his two top teeth and breathe heavily in and out through his nose. It is the funniest thing and she is so proud of herself!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandpa Kley

Oh I Forgot

Brynlee was sitting on Grandpa Robby's lap and she looked at him and said, "What kind of Grandpa are you? He said, "What honey?" She said, "What's your name?" He started laughing and said, "I'm Grandpa Robby." Then she said, "Grandpa Robby are you mean?"

Friday, October 1, 2010

To Old To Admit You Still Play

Makenzee came home from school and told me that her friend Kelsey wanted to hang out today. Then she said, "Now that I'm a 6th grader, I gotta get use to saying, do you want to hang out, instead of, do you want to play." I asked her why she couldn't say play and she said, "Mom! 6th graders don't play!" I said, "Oh, that's just hang out!"